Saturday, April 28, 2012

CtC- Packing it in

Tom and I are in Bedford, awaiting a ride. We're both ok...he's suffering from a case of 'longest ride all year by a factor of five', and I've just lost interest in going further.

Max and Dan G. are keeping on and riding fine...they should hopefully be in town sometime this evening.

(And yes, I'm sending this from Sheetz.)

CtC- Breezewood incoherence

Well, we're still technically conscious. Barely. But omelets will make it all better shortly.

Friday, April 27, 2012

CtC- Chambersburg

Forecast is for freezing temps tonight...should think about getting a motel.

Or being EPICALLY manly.

CtC- Just outside York

Still a bit cold and windy, but a fleeting glimpse of the sun helps morale...

CtC - Morgantown

50 miles in, it's a bit chill...

CtC...the Bell

Here we go, replete with Wawa coffee and cinnamon buns.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pre-CtC: The motel du jour

These rooms get very crowded when a couple of recumbents are shoved in the aisle.

Pre-CtC 2012: On the road

Midway service plaza, Tom having just dove out of the picture.

Philly here we come.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012